One day, I found a certain pdf file from Google and it's title is " The Money Magnet". I love reading it over and over again. It will really enlighten your mind towards achieving better things not because you are very materialistic or greedy but because you deserve the best. And the writer is right, who doesn't deserve the best that life can offer? It's just up to us if we really want to have them......... Here it is.....



The Money Magnet
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PsiTek would like to thank Enigma Valdez who freely donated his time and effort to write this report on our behalf.
Enigma Valdez is an internet visionary who is dedicated to helping individuals and businesses improve through harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction

His website is at

The Money Magnet

Millions of people around the globe are 

working hard to improve their lives every 

single day. Perhaps you are one of those 


Did you know that every year the number of 

self-made millionaires and billionaires is on 

the rise?

This is not just true in the European nations 

and the United States, but it is also true in 

developing countries such as India, Thailand 

and China.

Even though there are large numbers of poor 

people in the developing world, there are 

still a few who manage to pull themselves out 

of desperate poverty to join the ranks of the 

wealthiest people on earth.

How dothey do this?

How do people who start off with literally 

nothing go from rags to riches?

How is it that so few on this earth have the 

majority of money, wealth and resources?

Why is it that so many people struggle just to 


The answer may surprise you.

It’s not that these people are smarter than 


It’s not that they were lucky.

It’s that they refused to believe the same 

things that everyone else believes.

You see, the saying "it takes money to make 

money" is true, but not how you think.

Money is attracted to money, but it doesn't 

always have to be physical money that attracts 

money into your life.

Money is energy.

Think about the energy of money.

How does that feel to you?

If you've been raised in a religious culture 

then perhaps money feels a little strange to 

Perhaps you feel guilty about thinking about 

money too much?

You may have been taught that money is the 

root of all evil.

Or you may have been taught that it is noble 

to be poor and that there’s something 

spiritual about a person who is struggling and 

living in poverty?

We are bombarded with examples of people who 

gave up all their material possessions to do 

good and spread religious teachings around the 


While there is nothing wrong with doing good 

in this world, I personally believe that you 

cannot be of any value to anyone else in this 

world if you are not truly happy.

What makes you happy is not going to be the 

same thing that makes the next person happy.

Some people are happy playing the violin all 

their life. Others are happy raising a family. 

Still others are happy writing novels for a 


I am a firm believer that everyone ought to be 

rich. I also believe that there are many ways 

to be spiritual, and one of them includes 


Money has been abused and misunderstood.

Money is not the root of evil.

Money is like electricity. You can use 

electricity to cook a nice meal for your loved 

ones. You can also use electricity to hurt 

people. That doesn’t make electricity bad. It 

is up to you how you use it.

Money can be used to enable you and many 

others to have a better quality of life. And 

it can also be used to abuse and cause harm.

If there’s nothing else you get out of this 

book, it’s that I want you to understand that 

there’s nothing wrong with

wanting more money, nice cars, nice houses, 

jewelry, nice clothes, vacations, or whatever 

else it is that you’re dreaming about.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting 

those things, and anyone that tries to tell 

you otherwise should be kept at a distance.

You don’t have to obtain anyone’s approval to 

get those things.

You deserve to have those things simply 

because you want them.

So you may be asking yourself now, “Why don’t 

I have those things then?”

The fact is that, most likely, you don’t have 

those things because you haven’t let yourself 

be open to receiving them.

How is that?

You know you want them.

You want them very badly.

So how can it be that you are not letting 

yourself receive them?

The fact is that you might consciously want 

them very much. But deep down inside, your 

feelings may not be in harmony with that which 

you want to receive.

This happens because there are many different 

layers to your being.

This is evident anytime you’ve gone to sleep 

and had a dream about something that you had 

consciously forgotten.

Or, in the dream, you did or said something 

that you ordinarily would never do or say.

If you've seen how intoxicated people can say 

or do things they ordinarily wouldn’t say or 

do, then you have seen evidence of the 

multiple layers of a human personality.

Don’t worry, having these multiple layers 

doesn't mean you have some kind of multiple 

personality disorder.

The fact is that every person has multiple 

dimensions to their being and that means 

multiple layers of personality.

Your mind is split into two basic areas.

One is the conscious part. This is the part 

that you are aware of right now. It is your 

everyday waking part.

The other is the unconscious, also known as 

the subconscious. This part is not conscious. 

This part is awake 24 hours a day, 7 days a 

week. It never rests. It doesn’t have to.

It is this part that controls your financial 

situation in life.

In fact, it controls everything in your life, 

including your relationships, your health, 

your job situation, your business, etc.

Your conscious mind gets to decide and make 


Your unconscious does not get to decide. It 

cannot argue. It only does as it is commanded.

Your conscious mind cannot actually do 

anything itself. It only gets to command.

Understanding these concepts may not be easy 

at first, but once you thoroughly understand 

this, you have a lot of power in your hands.

You see, consciously you decide what it is you 

want, and then through consistent and 

repetitive focus, you start to command your 

subconscious mind to act towards getting that 

particular thing you want.

Up until now, most people in the world have 

focused on things they didn’t want. They have 

lived their lives in response to their 

surroundings and daily circumstances.

If they’ve been laid off from their job, they 

feel bad, angry and frustrated. If a family 

member yelled at them, they feel angry and 

yell back.
Some people have been born in poverty and all 

their friends and family are poor. They 

respond to their surroundings and

continue to look at themselves as people who 

are poor. So they live their lives in quiet 

desperation until they die.

Others are up to their eyeballs in debt. They 

see themselves as people who owe a lot of 

money to other people. They struggle to make 

ends meet. They live their lives constantly 


These people are living their lives by simply 

responding to the unpleasant things they 


So how do you break the cycle? The key is 


You have to begin to think and feel different 

in order to get something different.

It all starts with a vision of you being in a 

different life.

Now, it may be hard to imagine yourself with 

lots of cash if you’ve always had a problem 

with money.

But what if you begin to imagine what it would 

feel like if your neighbor had lots of cash? 

Or what would it feel like if your co-worker 

had more than enough money?

Sometimes it’s easier to imagine those kinds 

of things for others than it is for yourself, 

but what you end up doing for yourself is 

focusing on abundance.

And that’s the key secret…

By consistently focusing on abundance, you are 

consciously sending a command to your 

subconscious to start attracting abundance.

Now, if you have had years of financial 

difficulty, it would be unlikely that your 

financial situation will change overnight or

in just a few days because you are now 

starting to focus on abundance.

It takes a process. I won’t say it takes a lot 

of time, because there are many instances 

where things have 

changed rather quickly for people.

But then again, time is relative. Five minutes 

can seem like an eternity if you cannot 

breathe while five weeks can seem too short if 

you’re taking a beautiful vacation.

Don’t focus so much on the time as the 


You want to make the process of attracting 

money and tapping into your inner hidden money 

magnet fun and exciting.

It gets exciting once you start to notice s

strange little “coincidences” of money coming 

into your life.

You won’t necessarily have a sack of money 

fall out of the sky just because you make a 

mental shift.

And most likely, you won’t win the lottery.

I am not saying that it’s impossible to win 

the lottery; I’m simply saying that while you 

keep your mind open for the lottery, you may 

also want to implement some other things in 

your life that can increase your chances of 

attracting money.

Make a decision right now that you are going 

to live life differently than you have before 

- that you are going to have all the finer 

things in life.

Not only do you deserve them, but think about 

this for a minute…

The more money there is in your life, the more 

money you spend. The more money you spend, the 

more you add to the economy. The more you add 

to the economy, the more it benefits where you 

live. More streets get built, more schools, 

more hospitals, more everything.

You owe it to the world to get rich.

You owe it to your friends and family.

You owe it to yourself.

You owe it to the Universe.

If you are religious, then you could even say 

that you owe it to God to become rich.

The happier and wealthier you are, the more 

you can do, be and offer to everyone else!

Please let go of the notion that the root of 

all evil is money or that the love of money is 

the root of all evil.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Money is only a tool.

It can be used to do a lot of good in this 

world, and it can also be abused to cause harm 

to a lot of people in this world.

Money and the love of it are not evil, but 

instead it is the actions that people take 

that are harmful.

Now that you are beginning to let go of the 

old notions about money, you can move on to 

the next phase of things. This is where you 

begin to work into a spirituality of having 


Become More To Get More verything in this life 

is about spirituality. You can’t get around 

this. And by "spirituality", I don't mean 

religion. E

It does not matter what religion you believe 

in, or whether you are even religious at all.

The one thing that you cannot get around is 

Spirituality is your emotions, your feelings, 

and the way you view the world around you.

Every one of us has feelings and our own 

unique idea of what life and the world looks 


This is where you tie money into your own 

feelings and idea of how the world operates.

If you’re constantly thinking of bills, 

struggling to save a penny, or associating 

negative emotions with money, then your money 

spirituality is sadly lacking.

I won’t make any hyped-up promises of 

thousands of dollars falling out of the sky 

and into your lap when you start developing a 

spirituality with money, but one thing that 

will begin is that your life will change 

gradually and on a subtle basis.

How do you start to create a positive and 

healthy spirituality with money and an 

abundance of material things?

There is no one right or wrong way to do this.

One way is to use pictures of the things that 

you want.

Children often do this when they cut out 

pictures of their favorite toys that they want 

out of catalogs and newspapers.

So this is one idea that you could use. Cut 

out pictures of the house that you want, the 

car that you want, the clothes, or whatever it 

is. If you don’t have catalogs that you find 

these things in, you can easily go to Google 

or Yahoo and click the Images search and find 

an image of what you like.

Sometimes you may not find the exact image of 

what you want, so you can use something that 

is similar to that. You just want something 

that symbolizes what you want.
images work for some, other people can work 

best when they can feel or touch something.

In order to get into the spirit of abundance 

or having a lot of money, they feel they have 

to be able to touch it and feel it in their hands.

So what do you do if you don’t have piles of 

cash in the bank to hold in your hands 


You can go to a number of websites that sell fake money.

One such site is

There you can order bills as high as billion 

dollar bills.

I personally have ordered from there and the 

money looks very realistic, and it helps me to 

really get into the spirit of abundance, 

especially when I mix it with a few real 

dollar bills. I get to touch money, see money, 

and smell money.

There are five physical senses that we have, 

and you want to use as many of your senses as 

possible to remind you of your goal.

You need to get into this feeling of abundance 

on a daily basis.

This should not be a chore or a job.

You don’t look at eating food as a job or a 

chore, do you?

You also don’t look at relaxing and watching 

TV or doing some other pleasurable activity as 

a chore.

Developing a spirituality with money should be 

the same. It should be fun.

At first you may not be able to feel abundant 

and feel like you have a lot of money, 

especially if your bank account says 


That’s ok. Give yourself that space, that 

feeling of not having it right now. But be 

open to feeling just a tiny bit richer.

If you can’t imagine yourself being a 

millionaire right now, that’s alright. Not 

many people can if they never have been a 

millionaire before.

But, can you comfortably imagine yourself just 

one dollar richer?

How about $50 richer?

How about $500 richer?

How about $5,000 richer?

Whatever you feel your current limit is, stop 


For example, most of us can imagine ourselves 

$1 dollar richer, but it may be a stretch for 

some to imagine themselves $500 richer.

Others may find it really easy to imagine 

themselves $500 richer but may have a problem 

imagining themselves to be $2,000 richer.

Wherever you start to feel your limit, stop 

there for a period of time.

Work with that feeling of being just a little 

bit richer than you are now. The more you work 

with that, the easier it becomes to believe 


The more you believe it, the more your 

subconscious will direct you to do things. It 

will be so subtle you won’t even realize 

you’re doing it until you look back later.

At first, money may come into your life in 

strange ways.

You may start to find pennies or small coins 

on the floor.

Then you may also get refunds here and there 

that you did not expect, or perhaps win little 

competition prizes.

You’ll start to see more and more of these 

sorts of things happening.

It may not always lead to more money 

physically in your pocket, but instead it 

could mean fewer bills, perhaps situations 

where you have managed to save quite a bit of 

money somehow, or found an item that you 

wanted for a much cheaper price than you 


When you see these things happening, you know 

you’re on the right track.

Many people ask me how many times a day and 

for how many hours a day should they work on 

developing their spirituality. They ask what 

they should specifically do or say.

We've all heard of affirmations and I’m a 

strong believer in affirmations. But I don’t 

believe that you just say the words in the 

affirmations over and over again without 


Affirmations are just tools. When you speak 

the words out loud, you force your mind to 

focus enough on that thought and that idea to 

say it out loud.

You don’t have to yell or scream them, but you 

want to say them quietly and calmly to 


If you have family or children around you, 

find a quiet place where you can do them.

If that’s not possible, you can even say them 

under your breath where others cannot hear 


Use the affirmations to help you get into the 

feeling of having abundance.

This is the most important part about 

affirmations. Forget about writing them on 

index cards and sticking them to the bathroom 

mirror or on the fridge. If you really want to 

do that, then by all means do so, but 

remember, these are only tools, it is YOU that 

is making the change happen, not the 


How long do you say the affirmations?

I personally have found that about 30 minutes 

to an hour at least once a week, non-stop, 

saying a simple affirmation has helped me 


You may be able to get results with less or 


Or, perhaps you'll discover that affirmations 

may not be for you.

Pictures or having money in your hands and 

focusing on that may be your own personal key 

to unlocking abundance.

As you can see, there is more than one way to 

get to that feeling.

You could also take 15 to 30 minutes a day to 


This is where you become completely still in 

body and mind.

This is hard to do for many people, because we 

are so used to trying to take care of a 

zillion things all at once.

We live in a world where we have so many 

distractions that it is hard to just become 

still and get back to ourselves.

If you cannot become still for 15 minutes, try 

to become still for a minute or two at the 

start, and gradually increase the time over a 

number of days or weeks.

You’d be surprised how five minutes can seem 

like an eternity for you!

Why would you take the time to meditate?

Meditation is not only healthy for relaxation, 

but it also helps your subconscious to 

communicate with your conscious mind about 

solutions to the problems you are facing, 

namely how you can increase your cash flow.

Another thing that may help you is remembering 

a time when you had quite a bit of money.

Perhaps it was when you had gotten a raise, or 

gotten accepted for a good paying job.

Go back into that memory and feel how abundant 

you felt at that moment.

Don’t listen to the news broadcasts that focus 

on job cut backs, high taxes, and scarcity. 

I’m not saying that those things don’t exist, 

but to increase your feeling of abundance you 

need to focus on the things that bring you 


If you have bills to pay, don’t focus on them. 

Don’t complain or fuss about them.

This is not saying that you just ignore them. 

Simply set up a debt repayment system to get t

them off your mind for now, and then get back 

to focusing on abundance.

Find yourself a group of people who are rich 

or who are positive-minded toward money.

Most people are trained to believe that they 

have to struggle to get money, and they feel 

that rich people are responsible for their 

money problems, so it may not be easy for you 

to find people like this.

The next best thing you can do is read books 

by rich people who shared their success 


Books like Think And Grow Rich By Napoleon 

Hill, The Science of Getting Rich By Wallace 

D. Wattles, and The Master Key System By 

Charles F. Haanel are just a few examples.

Fill your mind with thoughts of people who 

achieved abundance in their lives. Do whatever 

you can to get into the feeling of being rich.

In closing, I’d like to say that it really 

doesn’t matter how much money you have, if you 

don’t FEEL rich, you will always be poor and 


There are people who have millions of dollars, 

but they complain about bills and taxes, and 

they still have money worries.

Then, there are people who have a modest fixed 

income, but who always seem to have enough 

money to do the things that they enjoy.

While it is true that everything costs money, 

it's more important that you start getting 

into the feeling of abundance NOW.

You don’t have to wait to have lots of cash in 

your pocket to start feeling rich and abundant 

right NOW.

This may be a strange idea to you, and you may 

think this is ridiculous, but your emotions 

are like muscles. The more you feel an emotion 

in a certain way, the easier it is to feel 

that feeling again, over and over again.

So, which would you rather feel? Happy and 

abundant, or broke and unhappy?

Harnessing the power of the Law of Attraction 

to have more riches, abundance and money in 

your life is all about how you feel, and the 

intensity of it.

It’s not just a one time thing.

It’s not just a few weeks or a few months of 

doing a few affirmations and staring at a 

vision board.

It’s about opening your heart to a 

spirituality of abundance.

The truth is that there is more than enough 

money for every single person on this planet. 

The world is awash with money.

Nobody is taking anything away from you just 

because they are rich.

When you see other people who are wealthy, be 

happy for them because you now know if they 

did it, you can too.

You don’t need anyone’s permission to have and 

experience all of the things in life that you 


You deserve all of the things you desire 

simply because you are here in existence and 

simply because you want them. That’s all.

You can get lots more free information about 

the Law Of Attraction

